Definition of Nasya-
The medicine is inhaled or dripped into the nostrils in the form of liquid. Micro Powder or liquid is called Nasya Karma they say. The nose is the gate of the head. The medicine is given through the head and is specially In Undhvajatragat disease.
Purpose of importance-
Multidimensional Functionality-Nasya karma performs the functions of lubrication, purification, Erection, Tarpan, Shaman, Traction, Brihane, Snajyaprabodhan etc.
Removal of Pranavastravorodh-
Through Nasya, the blocked phlegm gets liquified and comes out from the nostrils
Is and due to which the blockage is removed and the blood circulation of the head
It gets faster and Pranavastravorod gets removed.
Useful in Expelling- phlegm-
Giving Nasya removed nasal congestion and also has a dilating effect on the
Constriction of the respiratory tract, due to which phlegm gets expelled and
Respiratory arrest goes away.
Useful in Vertical diseases-
Nasya is especially useful in head disorders that occur above the upper jaw.
Consuming Nasya causes diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Hair falls or greying, Pinnus, semi-
Circular, Canals, Torticollis, Headache, Ardit, and Anugraha diseases are cured.
Sedative for Rheumatic Diseases-
Nasya karma is beneficial in Rheumatic diseases like Avabahuk cervical stamp etc.
It is capable of doing all three tasks-Brihan, Shaman, or Shodhan.
In Strengthening the Senses-
By doing Nasya karma, the voice becomes smooth and with a deep sound, the
The power of the sense organs increases, the face becomes happy and old age comes late.
To organise the system of Uttar Manga–
The nose is considered to be the door of the head. Nasya enters through this gate
Spreads throughout the head, destroys the disorders of the head and organises the
The system of uttar manga helps in all bodily functions.
Benefits of Nasya Treatment-
- It develops and strengthens the shoulders, Chest, skin and Neck.
- The sensory organs become much stronger after nasya therapy of 3-4 weeks.
- Any person witnessing grey hair can get rid of it with regular nasya treatment.
- The nasal medication also strengthens the visual site of a person.
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